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Sunday, 29 January 2017


If The Name "Nigeria" Was Coined By A Woman,Then Why Cannot A Woman Become The President Of Nigeria?

Nigeria as a country has not come to terms with the reality and the true essence of democracy.

We talk change but a lot of things need to be changed,I mean so many things that have retarded the political and economic growth of the country.

Political radicalism and progressive philosophy should be embraced by all towards a better modern Nigeria.

I was reflecting and flashing back on my history text book we read during our days in the junior seminary and I came to remember that Flora Shaw,Lady Lugard and who happened to be a British Journalist and Writer was credited with having coined the name "Nigeria".Flora Shaw a correspondent with the Times Magazine was said to be the highest paid woman Journalist in her times.

What I mean is that it was a woman that named our country her name Nigeria.

If a woman can name our country with her name,what  then is holding Nigerian  politicians from giving  women politicians the leeway to the corridor of political power?

Nigeria should be independent from a lot of things and must shun gender inequality and let's try women to see if a true wind of change can sweep across Nigeria.

Friday, 20 January 2017




If a man dies and is survived by the following heirs:
* Father
* Mother
* Wife
* A male child
* A female child
Each heir is entitled thus:
* Father = 1/6
* Mother =1/6
* Wife = 1/8
* the balance(13/24) is shared in ratio 2 :1 (male to female) among the children.


When a man dies and leaves a male child/children and no female child, the male child/children has/have all the properties and no other person including the deceased brothers/sisters provided the deceased has no parents or grand parents.


Where the deceased has male and female children without parents or grand parents, only the children have all the properties. None of the deceased brothers and sisters has anything in the properties. The share of the males to females will be 2:1.

If there are 5 males and 1female, all the 5 males will share 2/3 of the properties while the only female child will have 1/3 of the properties also where there is 1male, he alone will have 2/3 of the properties while the 5 females will share 1/3 of the properties among themselves.


If the deceased has only female child/children, the brothers and sisters will have share on the properties.

If there are two or more females, the female children share two-third of the inheritance.
If only one female, her share is half of the inheritance.


If the deceased leaves no children and the parents are the only heirs, the mother has a third.


If the deceased has brothers and sisters, the mother has a sixth.


In case of deceased wife with no child, the share of husband is half of the properties.


If the deceased wife has child, the husband gets fourth of the properties.


If the deceased husband has no child, the wife's share is fourth.


If the deceased husband has children, the wife has an eighth.


If the deceased man or woman had left no parents or grand parents or child, but left a brother or a sister, each one of them gets a sixth.

If more than two siblings, they share in a third.

Properties can only be shared IF the properties are debts free.

Quran 4:11-12.

Share to Muslims for enlightenment and implementation inshaAllah!

Friday, 13 January 2017


One day, a young soldier walked up to a well decorated senior officer in the army and asked him "Sir, what is the secret of your success in the army?" I want to be successful too.
The officer looked at the young soldier steadily for about 3 minutes and gave him a life threatening order. He gave the young soldier a cup full of water and told him to walk round the training field five times. He clearly told him that his life depends on it. That if a drop of water fall from the cup, another soldier would shoot him on the head. Four soldiers were strategically positioned to shoot him down once a drop of water fall from the cup.
Seeing how serious the whole thing turned out, he took the cup full of water and went out to complete his assignment. The young soldier carefully walked round the training field five full times without letting a drop fall from the cup. At the completion of the task, he returned the full cup back to the senior officer.
When the man saw his commitment to preserve his life by not allowing a drop of water out of the cup, he asked him the following questions...

Did you see those half naked girls dancing at the mammy market?

The young soldier replied No

Did you see those soldiers playing football in the field?

The young soldier replied No

What about those fighting across the other side of the field?

The young soldier replied No

Then, the officer looked at him and told him that if you keep focus on your task, you will succeed and also preserve your life. At that point, the young soldier left happily.


1. If you must succeed in life, you must clearly write out the area or areas you need to succeed in.

2. You must clearly spell out your plan of action with all the process to achieving your goals.

3. A lot of distractions will come in many beautiful colours on your path to success. How you deal with them determine how you will end.

4. Success has a bitter price. You must pay it fully. There is no shortcut to success.

5. Whether you succeed or not, your life is at stake.

Finally, those who distract you are the same people who will celebrate your failure if you eventually fail.

Make your 2017 a fruitful one.

God will go before us, flooding our lives with His presence wisdom and power to Excel and achieve our goals.


When the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the great wall of China, They thought no one can climb it due to its height.

During the first 100 year of its existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice. ...

And everytime, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall... because each time they bribed the guards and came through the doors.

The Chinese built the wall but forgot the character-building of the wall-guards

Thus the building of human character comes BEFORE building of anything else.....

Thats what our children need today.

Like one of the Orientalists said:
If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation there are 3 ways:

1. Destroy family structure

2.Destroy education

3. Lower their role models and references

1. In order to destroy the family; undermine the role of Mother, so that she feels ashamed of being a housewife.

2. To destroy education: you should give no importance to Teacher, and lower his place in society so as that the students despise him

3.To lower the role models: you should undermine the Scholars, doubt them until no one listens to them or follows them.

For when a conscious mother disappears, a dedicated teacher disappears and there's a downfall of role models, WHO will teach the youngsters VALUES?...

Have a thought! Is your home also invaded?

*By Dr.Ben Carson*