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Saturday, 17 December 2016


                 GOD IS GREAT

A King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him; My king, do not be discouraged because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes.
One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; if God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger.
The servant replied, 'despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never wrong'. Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While being taken to prison, he told the king again, God is Good & Perfect. Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice.
On the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place, he was released because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the gods. On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said; My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go.
But I have a question; If God is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison? His servant replied; My king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger.
Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose.
God knows why you are reading this message today, please bless someone with it by sharing it. God is good and perfect!!

Monday, 12 December 2016




Only God has no weakness. Every rose flower has its own thorn. If you focus too much on your spouse's weakness, you can't get the best out of his/her strength.


No one is an Angel, therefore, avoid digging one's past. What matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are passed away. try to forgive and forget. The past can't be change. So Focus on the present and the future!


Marriage is not bed of roses. Every shinning marriage has gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True love is proved in time of challenge. Fight for your marriage! Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in time of needs. Remember this is the vow you made on your wedding day!


Don't compare your marriage with anyone! We can never be equal, some will be far in front and others far behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time, your marriage dreams shall come true.


When you marry, you must declare a war against enemies of marriage. Some of the enemies of marriage are: Ignorance, Prayerlessness, Unforgiveness, Adultery, Third Party Influence, Stinginess, Stubbornness, Lack Of Love, Rudeness, Wife battery, Laziness, Divorce etc. Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.


There is no ready made marriage anywhere. Marriage is hard work, volunteer yourself and perfect it daily. Marriage is like a CAR with Gear oil, gear box, back hassles and If this parts are not properly maintained, the car will brake down somewhere along the road and exposing the occupant to unhealthy circumstances. - Many of us are careless about our marriage... Are you? If you are, pls pay attention to your marriage.


He (God) gives you, him or her in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould what you desire. You may desire a woman who can pray for 1 hours but your wife can only pray for 30 minutes. With your love, prayer and encouragement, she can improve.


You cannot predict what will happen after marriage, as situation may change, so, leave a room for adjustment. Pregnancy may not come in the next 4 years. You may get marry to her because she's slim but she becomes 100% fatter after a child. He may lose his beautiful job for years that you have to take the financial responsibility of the family until he gets a new job. But with God by your side, you will smile at last.


Marriage needs total commitment, love is the glue that makes a couple stick together. Divorce starts in the mind. Never think of divorce! Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married! God hates divorce


Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money you deposit into your bank account that you can withdrawn. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate of a blissful home. There is no free love in marriage, You cannot love without giving and sacrificing.

May God Give us The Grace And Wisdom To Build A Heaven on Earth Marriage.


IF you want to win; then win someone's HEART.

IF you want to hide something; then hide others FAULTS.

IF you want to acquire something; then acquire KNOWLEDGE.

IF you want to give something; then give to CHARITY.

IF you want to say something; then say the TRUTH.

IF you want to show something; then show KINDNESS.

IF you want to leave something; then leave your PRIDE.

IF you want to count something; then count your BLESSINGS.

IF you want to be happy; then make others SMILE.

IF you want to share something; then share your KNOWLEDGE.....


1. The heart that believes and fears ALLAH , shall always have peace and contentment. May you remain peaceful and contented till eternity. Jum'@ Kareem, Gudmorning.

2. In every DU'A,there is a wish, & in every wish there is a DU'A. Today my DU'A is that may ALLAH fulfill all ur wishes & accept all ur DU'AS.Juma'at Mubarak.

Saturday, 10 December 2016


*Don't complicate life. We won't be here forever. Once this day is over, it's gone forever. Your time is too valuable to waste on nonsense.*

*No matter what knocks you down in life, get back up and keep going.*
*Never give up. Great blessings are a result of great perseverance.*

*Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit.*
*Talk about your joys.*

*Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don't give up.*

*Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.*

*Disappointments were not meant to destroy you. They were meant to strengthen you & give you fortitude to accomplish your God-given destiny.*

*We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but of appreciating what we do have.*

*Your child will follow your example, not your advice.*

*One day, you'll be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.*

*Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.*

*Don't fear change. You may lose something good, but you may also gain something great.*

*When you love what you have, you have everything you need.*

*The greatest act of faith some days is to simply get up and face another day.*

*Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. *GRATITUDE.*

*Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you. *COMMITMENT*c

*When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power.*

*Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you're waiting.*

*Isn't it ironic:*
*- We ignore the ones that adore us*
*- Adore the ones who ignore us*
*- Love the ones who hurt us*
*- Hurt the ones that love us*

*Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Every story has an end, but in life every end is just a new beginning.*

*You were born to win, although to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, & expect to win.*

*Every day is a NEW beginning, take a deep breath and START AGAIN.*

*You are loved.*
*You are wonderfully made.*
*You are beautiful.*
*You have purpose.*
*You are a masterpiece.*

*Don't compare your progress with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance.*

*Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.*

*Bad things happen:*
*- Every day.*
*-To everyone.*
*The difference is in how people deal with it.*

*When you make a commitment, you build hope. When you keep it, you build trust.*

*Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.*

*Being honest may not get you a lot of FRIENDS but it'll always get you the RIGHT ONES.*

*Shoutout to everyone trying to get their life together. Working on yourself is the hardest part of life. Keep going, no matter where you are.*

*Be selective in your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.*

*Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, and make you happy. If you know people who do none of these things, let them go.*

*Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything. *OPTIMISM*

*NO ➔ Shortcuts*
*NO ➔ Quick fixes*
*NO ➔ Blaming others*
*NO ➔ I'll do tomorrows*

*Surround yourself with positive people who will support you when it rains, not just when it shines.*

*Being defeated is often a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent.*      
Enjoy God's grace on this journey we call LIFE.*

... Copied ....

Tuesday, 6 December 2016




A Clergyman, Rev. (Dr) Stephen Hosea Vongdip has identified what he considers as the discordance between what Nigerians are asking from their Government and what the leaders and policy makers believe is good for the citizens, as the bane of the Country’s development.
Rev. (Dr) Vongdip says Political leaders and business service providers think that because of their long years of experience in the field, they have answers to the issues concerning Nigerians which creates an arrogance of tradition that only serves to distort the perspective of such leaders. The Cleric advised people in top public and corporate leadership positions to always relate closely with their followers and consumers of their products and services, in order to better understand their needs and adequately cater for those needs. 
Rev. (Dr) Vongdip, who is the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) Director of Personnel, expressed these thoughts in a book he recently authored entitled “Making Nigeria Great” which will be presented to the public on 10th December, 2016.
The Writer stressed that during periods of economic difficulties such as the current recession, the leaders owe it a duty to at least make the Country functional, but lamented the inability of the Nigerian leadership to develop a blueprint by which the Country’s different ethnic groups can live harmoniously in peace therefore making progress as a great and prosperous nation. He noted that many Nigerian leaders prefer to take advantage of such differences to fan the embers of greed, ethnicity, religious intolerance, inter-ethnic and geo-political struggle for political power and control of socio-economic resources which ensures that the citizens are unable to build and maintain relationships along such divisive lines. According to him, Nigeria’s biggest problem is neither corruption nor a bad economy, terrorism or crime which he describes as only symptoms of a bigger problem. For Rev. (Dr) Vongdip, the biggest issue militating against Nigeria’s path towards greatness is disunity fueled by negative stereotypes and prejudicial attitudes that affect our National consciousness. He attributed this partly to the divide and rule system of the colonial and post-colonial political economy, the system of resource mobilization for economic production and the unequal distribution of educational and development infrastructure.
The Clergyman called for a paradigm shift among the Country’s leadership from the current system of self enrichment and perpetuation to that which demonstrates exemplary character and integrity towards visionary and meaningful service delivery. He advised Nigerian leaders not to depend on quick fixes and social Band-Aids for superficial treatment of the Country’s developmental challenges but adopt a more pragmatic, comprehensive and long-term approach towards addressing such challenges.
For the citizens, Rev. (Dr) Vongdip advised them to begin first by asking themselves how they can contribute towards making Nigeria great, strengthen their commitment to that common goal and also hold their leaders accountable in achieving that vision.
A prolific writer, religious leader, teacher, social commentator, public speaker and counselor, Rev. (Dr) Stephen Vongdip has written Thirteen (13) books with his current publication “Making Nigeria Great” due for public presentation on 10th December, 2016 at COCIN Headquarters Church by 2.00pm. The occasion will be chaired by Ambassador Danjuma Sheni, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defence while Professor Danladi Slim Matawal, Director General/Chief Executive, NBBRI, Abuja will be the Book Reviewer and COCIN President, Rev. (Dr) Dachollom Datiri will dedicate the Book. Professor Suleiman Bogoro, former Executive Secretary, TETfund, Abuja will present the Keynote Address.

Abdullahi Abdullahi
Chairman, Media and Publicity Sub-Committee,
“Making Nigeria Great” Book Presentation Committee

Saturday, 3 December 2016



*1.* Any food you consume after 8 P.M. everyday is equally a
poison to your body?

*2.* If you can follow the water therapy for 3 months religiously, your skin, your body and your organs begins to function well?

*3.* Do you know Breakfast is the most important meal of the
day; If you must skip any meal, it shouldn't be breakfast?

*4.* Do you know too much red meat is very dangerous to your health?

*5.* Do you know people who smile always live longer, look younger and are more healthier than their counter part who does not?

You can use the most expensive cream on your body; you can take the best care of your body, but *HONEY* with *BANANA* can make your skin glow, make it look good and make people ask you the kind of cream you are using.

*6.* For every bottle of soft drink you consume, you have just taken 9cubes of sugar, and it takes 7 days for it to wash off your body; men increase their likelihood of having a heart attack by 20 percent.

*7.* Fried meat is a killer; It is damaging your body.

*8.* People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.

*9.* Drinking water only when you are thirsty is obtaining a license to damage your liver.

*10.* Holding your urine when you are supposed to let go is
another way you are damaging your liver?

*11.* Adding salt into your food when it is already served is
another way of slowly poisoning yourself and vital organs?

*12.* Observing the routine of proper eating: Eat BREAKFAST like a KING, LUNCH like a PRINCE and DINNER like a BEGGAR would help you live longer.

Please take care of your health, for HEALTH is WEALTH

*7 Biggest brain damaging habits*
1: Missing breakfast
2: Sleeping late
3: High sugar consumption
4: More sleeping specially at morning
5: Eating meal while watching TV or computer
6: Wearing Cap/scarf or socks while sleeping
7: Habit of blocking/Stoping Urine
*Don't Just Read*
*Forward to whom you care*